Monday, December 14, 2009

My mother is taking me to England for the winter

Hello.  I'm Naya.  I'm 9.  My mother is taking me to England for the winter where I'll attend school while she is at Oxford.  After the winter, we'll go on to Berlin, Vienna, Prague, and Paris for a month before we return home in time to see the tulips poke through after a long winter.  Thumbs up to the traveling with my mother and seeing more of the world, but thumbs down to having to go to a school where I am the new kid with a weird accent.

But off I go in two weeks.  By then I'll have found that I have a new camera (currently wrapped under the Christmas tree) and I'll shortly thereafter have a profound idea of taking a photo each day for my 120 days abroad to record what it is that I see from my height of 4 feet 6 inches:  A photo journal to help me find a sense of place wherever I am, within the things and ideas I see from my own two eyes and unique angle on this very big, but also very small world.

Thanks for following my journey along with me.

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